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The Sacred 'Hawan' Ceremony for Class 10th and 12th Students*

*_Embracing Divine Guidance_: The Sacred 'Hawan' Ceremony for Class 10th and 12th Students* In a solemn gathering, our school organized a sacred 'hawan' ceremony, invoking divine blessings for the students of classes 10th and 12th as they prepared to face their board exams. Amidst the flickering flames and resonant chants, we invoked wisdom, strength, and success for our young learners. May this ceremony have given them clear minds, strong spirits, and the unwavering drive to do their best. As the ceremony concludes, let us carry the blessings bestowed upon us in this hallowed gathering as a source of inspiration and motivation. Together, let us uphold the spirit of solidarity and faith, knowing that with the grace of God and the dedication of our students, success shall surely be theirs to embrace.