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Seminar in our school on " Artificial Intelligence

"*Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have with in you the strength, the patience,and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." This is what one of our _ Shining Star ( *Akshit Khatgarh )of M.R. International School_ has proved . He succeeded in +2 from M.R. International School in 2017. Akshit Khatgarh also cleared JEE Advanced in 2017 and didn't stop till he created his exclusive benchmark in engineering by graduating from IIT ( Indore) in 2021 and this is not the end. He has set a very good example for all of us which proved that If we have the right mindset ,positive attitude, hard work , determination and perseverance then we can achieve anything in life. Akshit Khatgarh is now working as a *Software Developer * in "Tata Digital Company" in Mumbai. Akshit Khatgarh (Alumni) has also been a successful mentor for our students as on 4, January 2024 he successfully conducted a seminar in our school on " Artificial Intelligence " for the students of 10th and 12th where he very well explained how " ``` Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans " Students were very excited and were very much motivated as they came to know about various aspects of Artificial Intelligence and its diversified career options. This is really a very proud moment for all of us. It can be said, " You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Regards Principal M.R. International School Bilaspur